Morning's a Morning.. Even a Sunday Morning

After sleeping so late at night. My nasty bouts of cold woke me up early. I made up my mind to wrap myself in the warmest of clothing and go to 'Gurudwara'. 'He', the guy who practically made my head start this blog... is not very well either; since past several months he gets these horrid headaches. After forcing him to go see a doctor for weeks, he did but X-ray revealed no indications of Sinusitis. His headaches continue. New doctor has ordered MRI. TIll then, I planned on doing my bit by making Karah Prasad for Gurudwara even when I was not sure if Darbar would start at 5am in Winters (as it does round the year otherwise). As I got up for a shower, as you can only make Karah Prasad after you've showered and you start reciting 'Ik Onkar' right as you start getting ready to cook. After over 1 hour, I was done with all the work and I realized it's RAINING :)
The sky was bright pink and mandarin… the rain was so warm and the breeze was ice-cold. I wrapped my warm scarf more snuggly around my neck and revved my car to warmth. As I reached Gurudwara, I could see nothing through the misty fog that had now formed on the wide GT Karnal Road. As I walked around the Gurudwara with the Prasad trying to find some Sewadar, I saw flickers of ambers near the foot of the farthest pillar of the beautiful white & grey marble monument. I saw one Sewadar there, trying to light fire…I walked up to him and we sat in front of the fire he had now been successful in lighting. He gave me a cup of tea and we had it with Parle-G biscuits. We did not speak a word to each other till the gates of Gurudwara were opened by another Sewadar. I gave them the Karah Prasad, knelt down saying my prayers & thanks to Satguru and left. Prayers, Praying and Believing in them… are all such arbitrary concepts. Not going into the topic of such discussions… I'd just like to believe that my prayers might help 'him' at least find enough time to go get an MRI done without my lurking around him with phone calls every hour to remind him for the same!!
Sometimes even when you wake up early, you just can't seem to realize time passing by. Even though I woke up at 4 am, it was 8 am by the time I reached back home. Prepared tea & breakfast for everyone in the house. Played ball with Lizzy-the-crazy-pooch. Left for work and now… I am at work… blogging at my lunch time.
Guess I'd catch up later at night now. IF I get time, as I have a date tonight. Hhhhh.. yes… a date. I HAVE to make myself do all this because 'he' isn't seeing what I see for us; so i got to keep myself distracted. A LOT. TOTALLY. DISTRACTED! *hmmppfff*
Tra!! X x ox


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